LISTEN: The Austin Chronicle Show on KOOP Community Radio
By Kimberley Jones, 6:31PM, Fri. Jan. 21, 2022
This week on The Austin Chronicle Show on KOOP Community Radio, Derek Udensi expands on his recent profile of Austin rapper J Soulja, and Joe Gross discusses experimental filmmaker Bill Morrison, who’s the subject of an ambitious retrospective here in Austin.
For copyright reasons, we’ve had to strip out of this rebroadcast music we excerpted, but you can listen along here:
J Soulja, “Top Down”
J Soulja, “Need Mine”
Michael Gordon’s score for Bill Morrison’s “Decasia”
Bill Frisell’s score for Bill Morrison’s “The Great Flood”
Want to catch the show live next time? Tune in Fridays, 6pm, to KOOP 91.7 FM or livestream the show at
Host: Kim Jones. Guests: Joe Gross. Derek Udensi, Richard Whittaker. Engineer: Bob Dailey, Andrew Sollin. Theme music: Kevin Curtin and Jonas Wilson.

Find old episodes on the Chronicle’s A/V page.
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