Avoid the scam by downloading the official Park ATX app
By Austin Sanders, 12:09PM, Fri. Jan. 5, 2024
The Austin Transportation Department is warning users of the Park ATX app to avoid use of a fraudulent website currently showing up at the top of Google Search results for the service.
According to a news release from ATD, three different users of the app for parking throughout the city reported a website requesting their credit card information but that would not allow them to initiate a parking session.
The fraudulent website is showing up for some web users as the top sponsored post on Google when “park atx” is searched. (The ad was not showing up for the Chronicle, but as of 11:30am, ATD staff confirmed that some of their employees were still seeing it.) The fraudulent website appears as www.am5.com.
Instead of searching for Park ATX via web browser, users should download the official app via the Google Play or Apple App Stores to ensure they are using the verified version of the software.
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