Barton Springs Pool Will Require Reservations Starting May 21 

No more sauntering into Austin’s natural springs fed pool on a whim

photo by David Brendan Hall

The usual scene at Barton Springs Pool is a blanket of bodies covering every patch of grass. In the time of coronavirus, that’s a real problem.

Getting ahead of that problem, the City announced today that Barton Springs Pool will require reservations for entry during guarded swim hours in order to keep capacity to a safe number. That goes into effect Friday, May 21. Reservations will run for two-hour increments between 8am-10pm and require the standard entry fees; no reservations (or fees) are required for the usual free swim at your risk block between the chilly hours of 5-8am.

There are exceptions to that rule:

Season Pass Holders, patrons 80 and older, veterans, and retired and active duty military can enter Barton Springs Pool with no reservations; however, everyone else in the party must have a reservation.

Interested in making a reservation and/or buying a season pass? Both become available starting May 10. At the time of reservation, you’ll pay the standard entry fee ($5 for most adults).

At this time, no other city swimming facilities will require reservations, but capacity rules do remain in place.

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